
Readers' Rendezvous

Our next meeting will be on Thursday, September 19, 1 p.m. at Bev Fisher’s home. Please note due to construction you must use Jackson School Rd and NOT Glencoe Road to get to Bev’s house. The book being discussed is Born A Crime by Trevor Noah. Make plans to join us.

Writers' Group

You are a writer. Whether it is a grocery list or an e-mail to a friend, you write every day. Why not do it for fun with an informal group of folks who enjoy playing with words?

“The Writers’ Group” is a rather high- falutin’ title for just such a gathering. We meet at 11:50 a.m. on Sundays in the Library. Our leader, Paula Adams, gives us a brief “prompt” to stimulate creativity and then we write for a few minutes on either that prompt or something entirely different if the spirit moves us.

Adult Sunday School

A group of us from the congregation are helping to facilitate a self-assessment of where our congregation is as an Open and Affirming church. On April 28 at 9:30 a.m, Pastor Adam will lead an adult education discussion on Open and Affirming issues. This which will be an opportunity to help reflect on where we go from here and how do we get there.


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